Near Fall: The NJ Wrestling Podcast – Season 3, Episode 18

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With so many newspapers downsizing their sports departments in New Jersey or forcing you to pay for a subscription for subpar coverage, where can you get you amateur wrestling fix?  Donald Brower, who has covered high school wrestling in New Jersey extensively for the last 14 years with a heavy focus on Morris, Hunterdon, Sussex and Warren County, shares his weekly thoughts on the state of wrestling in the state. During the show he announces his Weekly Team Top 10, Wrestler of the Week, answers listener submitted questions as well as tackles the topics and stories surrounding the sport.

In the final episode of the Season, Donald reveals his All Area Teams and the recipents of the Wrestler of the Year, Team of the Year, and Wayne Schiele Coach of the Year Award.

Visit the site to see who earned nominations for the GardenStateHSWrestling NJAC Divison Teams and Skyland Conference Teams.

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